Dekoloniale [hi]stories

Web-based interactive world map

Places of remembrance in Berlin, in other German cities and in Germany's former colonies are identified in their transcontinental interdependence. The map offers a documentation of memory culture initiatives in Berlin, nationwide and in the former colonies of Germany as well as multimedia stories from:

  • Actors of colonialism and the colonized or their descendants;
  • Institutions and organizations with a colonial function (e.g. authorities, companies, museums, societies) but also of anti-colonial or anti-racist initiatives;
  • Objects from colonial contexts, especially from German museums and university collections
  • Places of remembrance such as memorials, commemorative plaques or street names that can be associated with the glorification of colonialism and imperialism as well as with events and figures of the resistance;
  • City tours with local references, such as “Völkerschau” events, which took place in Hamburg, Berlin or Stuttgart, or on the subject of plantation slavery or the global slave trade, which played its own role in Berlin-Mitte or Hamburg, for example.
Bildschirmfoto 2021 03 31 um 12 55 02
Bildschirmfoto 2021 03 31 um 12 55 02


Many of these aspects have been compiled in the course of years of intensive local research by civil society initiatives from Germany and abroad on their own Internet forums - from Namibia and Cameroon, but also from Hamburg, Augsburg, Freiburg, Erfurt, Munich and Bremen.

The project should also do justice to its designation as a world map by referring to the history of German colonies on other continents beyond Africa - such as Papua New Guinea or China - and involving experts of these respective regional histories in equal measure.

Mangi Meli, about 1898
Mangi Meli, about 1898