about places of learning, remembrance and commemoration
February 26, 2021 marked the 135th anniversary of the end of the Berlin Africa Conference of 1884/5. While at the infamous historic Africa Conference, 19 white Western men competitively negotiated and codified their areas of interest on the African continent over the course of 4 months, we countered this with a community-based, polyphonic, collaborative, decentralized, decolonial format. With the opening of the [Re]Visionen Think Tank series , we not only want to reappropriate this historical date, but also create a space for exchange that takes place quarterly with the participation of Berlin activists and experts of African origin, domestic and foreign Experts, decision-makers and representatives of other communities with whom we feel solidarity should take place.
As part of the [Re]Visionen Think Tank 1/21 we have prepared an interview with Andreas Nachama , Rabbi, Professor and Director of the Topography of Terror Foundation. The process and the importance of creating a specific (de-)central place of remembrance, documentation, learning and/or remembrance is addressed. Such a place was realized with the Topography of Terror Foundation .