Dekoloniale [Re]visions 2/21

Restitution, African Cultures of Memory and the 'New Museum'.

In this second edition of the Dekoloniale [Re]visionen Denkwerkstatt we devote ourselves to the long history and new present of restitution claims. How do contemporary African cultures of remembrance shape themselves in the absence of their cultural/sacred objects and human bones from colonial contexts? How (radically) does the museum as an institution have to be rethought? How can this »New African Museum« become a lively place of polylogue, commemoration and exhibition – with the participation of civil society?

The following experts from science, culture and administration deal with statements on these questions from African civil society:

(in alphabetical order)

  • Dr Andreas Görgen (Foreign Office)

  • Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard (Dekoloniale)

  • Dr Dr Kwame Opoku (cultural critic & restitution expert)

  • Prof. Dr. Bénédicte Savoy (art historian, TU Berlin)

  • Karen Taylor (presenter)

  • Dr Facil Tesfaye (historian, The Advisors, University of Hong Kong)


This Dekoloniale [re]visions think tank takes place in cooperation with the Technical University of Berlin, Department of Modern Art History, which the day before, Friday, June 25, 2021 at 6-7: 30 p.m. with Kwame Opoku Peju Layiwola and Felicity Bodenstein« .

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